AJIRN 2022 conference

I'm excited to present a performance-lecture titled 'Slap(!) and the Death of The Electric Bass: toward a New Instrumentality' at the AJIRN conference this weekend (6–8 May) in Brisbane: https://www.ajirn.com.

The 2022 AJIRN conference theme ‘Space is the place’ invites participants to think about where improvisation occurs, where it might occur, how it interacts with its spaces and places, the movements and migratory patterns of improvising artists, what role locality in any of its forms plays in improvisation studies, and more.

I look forward to attending the many amazing presentations and connecting with new and old friends. If interested, you can attend in-person or online. Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../australasian-jazz-and...

And here’s a link to the full schedule: https://www.ajirn.com/_files/ugd/5666c4_c241a71785a543dcb7075f3a5445c36a.pdf